Thursday, July 05, 2007

Rob McKinney Hiking the Trail

Sam Burton, in the Danville (VA) Register & Bee, has a 29 June 2007 article titled "King of the Trail" that relates the story of Danville native Rob McKinney's thru-hike attempt. McKinney
"has been 621 miles and will continue all the way to Maine. He will meet up with a Japanese film crew that is documenting part of his trip on July 3. The documentary being filmed is going to focus on a few hikers whose lives have been changed by the trail."
McKinney felt like his life did need change.
"McKinney, 32, was a senior manager at AOL and a competitive athlete in volleyball and jujitsu. Then his life began taking a turn for the worse when he got injured in his sports. After the injury, ... he decided to pack up and move to Australia."
But that didn't work out so well, either, and he came back to the States and decided to hike the Trail.
"To keep his backpack light, McKinney’s food supply consists of items like iced honey buns to keep his calorie intake up."
Plus, he's feeling better about the direction his life is taking.

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