Thursday, August 23, 2007

Alpine Rose Hearing on 22 August

The Pocono Record out of Stroudsburg, PA has an article titled "Alpine Rose hearing tonight; 3 p.m. deadline to register to testify" in its 22 August 2007 issue. Pennsylvania's Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) said
"The public hearing will address developer Richard Muller Jr.'s request for reinstatement of a permit to discharge stormwater from construction into the Aquashicola Creek."
ATC, Sierra Club, and the local Blue Mountain Preservation Association all oppose the plans to build a track next to the Appalachian Trail where car and motorcycle drivers will be able to zip around the 3 1/2 mile loop at speeds of up to 120 miles per hour.

The DEP had originally denied the permit not because of encroachment on the Trail, but because of potential pollution of a pristine stream in the area.

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