Friday, March 16, 2007

Old Boy Scout and the Trail

The Norwalk (CT) Citizen-News of 15 March 2007 has Lauren Garrison's article headlined "The Honor of a Lifetime" describing the volunteer scouting career of one Frank Waters. He was being honored by being given a lifetime membership in the local troop he'd helped lead for more than a quarter century.

In his time as scoutmaster, "The troop hiked the Appalachian Trail, canoed in the Adirondacks and went white-water rafting. 'We never lost a scout and never had any serious injuries,' Waters said proudly."

"Now, at 77, Waters has decided that 'the poor old bones don't work as well as they used to and so hiking the Appalachian Trail now has to be relegated as a memory'."

Well, what a good memory to have.

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