Tuesday, January 09, 2007

AT Viewshed Protected Near Roan Mountain

The Winston-Salem (NC) Journal reported in a 9 January 2007 opinion piece titled "Victory in Avery," that a 97 acre tract on Hump Mountain has now been preserved through the efforts of the Southern Appalachians Highlands Conservancy. The supportive piece says the area "includes grassy bald mountaintops and Fraser fir forests. Bats from the nearby Cranberry Iron Mine habitat forage in the area. The tract also includes the headwaters of the Elk River and Cranberry Creek, a trout stream." Furthermore, "it borders the Pisgah National Forest and is near the Appalachian Trail."

Jay Leutze, a Conservancy trustee, pointed out that "It's part of the viewshed of the Appalachian Trail - that's the benefit of it." Let the people say 'Amen!'

(The column refers back to an article in the same paper by Monte Mitchell last week. )

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