Thursday, January 23, 2020

Devils Backbone Brewery and RVs

The Devils Backbone Brewing Company - which hosts lots of Appalachian Trail thru-hikers each year for a cooling adult beverage if not also with a tent site for the night - has gotten local approval for "a special use permit application to allow 47 wet RV sites — meaning they have a water and sewer hookup — and 10 future cabins to be extended-stay campgrounds. Travelers would be able to stay for up to 180 days."

[Back in the day, "wet" in a paragraph about a brewery meant something else, but we'll just leave it there as an unintended pun.]

"The campsite is located at 30 Three Ridges Lane in Roseland," Virginia. Rachael Smith wrote the article in the "News and Advance" published by the Nelson County Times, 22 January 2020.

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