Monday, April 16, 2007

Hiker Goodman Battles MS with Raw Food

The 15 April 2007 issue of (which seems to be some kind of joint newspaper site, as it gives the user the options to select either the Burlington County Times, the Bucks County Courier Times, or the Intelligencer) has an article by Ed Moorhouse titled "He refuses to bow to debilitating MS." It's a brief profile of MAtt Goodman.

Goodman is the one with multiple sclerosis. He was diagnosed in 1997. Six years later he "hiked 1,600 miles along the Appalachian Trail through Maine, New Hampshire, New York and Pennsylvania." (And I don't know if that means he skipped Vermont, Connecticut and New Jersey; but see below because apparently he went all the way to Virginia.)

Anyway, after following the standard medical regimen for a while,
"he eventually decided to stop taking medication to treat the disease, so he turned to yoga, meditation and a strict diet of raw foods like vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds."
It was after this change that he made his hike.

He began hiking in Maine in June 2003 and
"After four months of hiking through 11 states, Goodman ended his trip in Virginia. He has since chronicled his experience in a self-published book titled, 'Holy Sh!t: How I Did It,' and speaks to others about his healthy lifestyle at events across the country."
And, that must explain that the reporter, not Moorhouse, skipped those northern states.

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